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City Council Meeting on Final Housing Element Draft

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Join the City Council at 6:30PM the February 7, 2023 regular meeting to discuss your input on the final draft of the 2023-2031 Housing Element.

The Housing Element of the General Plan is a comprehensive statement by the City of Yreka of its current and future housing needs and proposed actions to facilitate the provision of housing to meet those needs at all income levels. The policies contained in this element are an expression of the statewide housing priority to allow for the “attainment of decent housing and a suitable living environment for every Californian,” as well as a reflection of the unique concerns of the community. The purpose of the Housing Element is to establish specific goals, policies, and objectives relative to the provision of housing and to adopt an action plan toward this end. In addition, the element identifies and analyzes housing needs and resources and constraints to meeting those needs.

The Forum will be held at City Council Chambers, 701 4th Street, Yreka, CA 96097 and on Zoom:


Meeting ID#                                        619-495-7056 

Members of the public may also remotely listen to and participate in the meeting via teleconference.  If you wish to listen or participate in this meeting through teleconference, simply dial into the conference number below, and enter the meeting ID#.

Conference call in Number:           669-900-6833 (Toll-Free 888 788 0099)